Seeding gives you the opportunity to introduce new and improved varieties of grass to your existing lawn.

Fertilizing provides the necessary nutrients for your lawn to perform at its best.

Need help to determine what’s best for your turf? Call or stop by to see Dan, Herbein’s Lawn Care Expert.

Herbein’s Lawn Center is here with the products and advice to help you in your lawn care throughout the whole season.  Click below for a brief month-by-month overview:

Herbein’s Lawn Center

It’s That Time Again!

Stop by and talk TURF

with Dan

Herbein’s Lawn Care Specialist

A Tip from DAN…

       I’d like to invite all of our customers to visit our new and improved Lawn Center at Herbein’s. From fresh paint to new customer friendly displays and many new products. All of these changes are to enhance your experience and more importantly results. I look forward to seeing you and discussing these and all of our products in more detail to determine what is right for you.

If you haven’t had a Penn State soil test done recently, now is a good time to have it done.


“Spend your money to grow things, not kill them.” -Dan

One last reminder…the key to a weed free lawn is not about the amount of weed killer you apply, but about how thick your lawn is. The weed seeds need sun to germinate, so by fertilizing and over-seeding, you’ll have a much more cost effective weed free lawn.


Tri-Rye (Perennial Rye Blend)

Showcase (Kentucky Blue & Perennial Rye Blend)

Tri-Fescue Blend

Full Sun-Top Notch (Kentucky Blue & Tall Fescue Blend)

Sun to Shade Park (Turf Grass Blend)   NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE CONSUMER!

Sun to Shade Supreme (Big League/Black Pearl, Fescue, Bluegrass Blend)

All American (Tall Fescue & Perennial Rye Blend)

Dense Shade (Creeping Red Fescue Blend)


Annual Ryegrass


Kentucky Blue


Contractors Mix   SOLD BY FULL BAG ONLY!


Dutch White Clover

Winter Wheat

Winter Rye


Greenview Seed Accelerator

Penn Mulch w/Fertilizer

Scotts PatchMaster

Scotts Seed Starter & Weed Preventer

Scotts Step 1 Seeding 18-23-4

Scotts Step 1 Seeding 21-22-4




Espoma Organic 4 Part Program (Rebate Avail.)

Scotts 4 Step Program (Rebate Avail.)


Concern Corn Gluten (Organic Preemergent)

Lebanon Proscape w/Dimension 18-0-5 (Preemergent & Fertilizer)

Scotts Halts (Preventative)

Lebanon Pro w/Prodiamine 0-0-7 (Preemergent)

Scotts TurfBuilder w/Halts (Preemergent & Fertilizer)

Scotts Step One w/Halts (Preemergent & Fertilizer)

Scotts Step One For Seeding (Preemergent & Starter Fertilizer)

Ortho Weed B Gon (Liquid form)

Bonide Weed Beater Ultra (Liquid form)

Bayer Grub Killer Plus Dylox

Bonide DuraTurf Insect & Grub (Preventative)

St. Gabriel Milky Spore (Organic, Preventative)


Espoma Lawn Food (Organic)

Greenview Starter Fertilizer 10-18-10

Lebanon Greenskeeper 20-0-8

Lebanon Proscape w/Trimec 20-0-7 (Weed & Feed)

Milorganite (Natural)

Scotts PatchMaster (All-In-One Grass Seed Fertilizer & Mulch)

Scotts TurfBuilder w/Halts (Preemergent & Fertilizer)


Lebanon Treflan 5G Preemergance

Lebanon Weed Control w/Trimec (Postemergence)


Scotts Super TurfBuilder Lawn Food

Espoma Lawn Food (Organic)


Scotts Lawn Fungus Control


Scotts Moss Control


GreenYard Professional Weed & Feed w/LockUp

Lebanon Proscape w/Trimec (w/fertilizer)

Scotts TurfBuilder Weed & Feed (w/fertilizer)

Lebanon Broadleaf Weed Control w/Trimec (w/o fertilizer)

japanese-beetle damage Herbeins Garden Center Emmaus PA
Milorganite Fertilizer Herbeins Garden Center
Weed Preventers Preen Lebanon Treflan BonideMaize Herbeins


Use approximately 300 lbs. of grass seed per bare acre, not to include house or driveways.

When overseeding, use about HALF the amount of seed.