Garden Trivia

◊ Why was the oak in pain?

Never in October!!

When can I fertilize my lawn in the fall?

My response is almost always September or late November but “NEVER IN OCTOBER.” Why? The reason is because October is the month that plants start to shut down and prepare to survive the winter. Being light sensitive, plants including grass, know that as daylight hours get shorter, growing season is coming to an end and the time to add new growth is over for this year. On the other hand, fertilization is intended to stimulate new growth, so an October application sends a confusing message that can lead to problems like diseases.

That’s why it is best to wait until late November around Thanksgiving. By this time, the grass has stopped growing above ground while the roots are still growing and producing and storing food. So all the energy of the fertilizer goes into strengthening roots leading to a stronger plant next year. It also allows for a delayed initial application until early May.

So remember that while October is for pumpkins, mums, ghosts and goblins and for wearing pink, it’s never time to fertilize your lawn.

Trivia Answer: It had “a corn”.