It might seem like an impossible task to keep cats out of your lawn and flowerbeds. However, there are some ways to keep your lawn safe from strays (and urine & feces) without harming them or taking extreme measures. Cats are natural hunters, and hunting is their favorite activity. If you have a nice yard and plenty of plants and greenery, cats will most likely try pouncing around and stalking small creatures on your property. Luckily, there are ways to keep cats out of your lawn without hurting them and giving them somewhere else they’ll feel comfortable.

Install Motion Sensors

Installing motion lights is one of the best ways to keep felines out of your yard after dusk. Cats aren’t very large animals, so they often find ways to sneak into yards through small holes, however sometimes they aren’t able to get out the way they came in. Once stranded, they’ll do whatever they can to make themselves comfortable which can lead them to peeing on your unsuspecting furniture cushions.

Installing motion-activated devices above your doors allows you to keep cats out of the yard by detecting and throwing light which should scare them off. You can also use a high-pitched sound that will scare the off. This might however, result in some unfriendly neighbors knocking on your door.

Use Scents That Cats Hate

Certain scents are offensive to cats, and some even deter other animals like rabbits and rodents. Try oil sprays around furniture and other areas where cats like to mark as their territory. You can create your own homemade spray with orange or peppermint oil and water, or purchase chemical sprays that contain those ingredients. Once you have the spray, you can regularly spray it onto the grass.

Liquid Fence Dog & Cat Repellent

Contains citronella oil, garlic oil, cinnamon oil and clove oil

  • Harmless to plants and animals, when used as directed
  • Spray on lawns, trees, shrubs, flower beds, garden areas and trash containers
  • Prevents pets and strays from marking outdoor areas, when used as directed
  • Do not apply directly to animals

Build a Fence

A fence is a good investment if you have dogs, or if you allow your cat to play outsdide. A fence needs to be tall enough because a cat can easily jump or climb, but not be able to get down. Keep an eye out for holes dug by dogs or other animals, as this could make for an easy access point for cats.

Grow Plants That Cats Don’t Like

If cats are a problem and you have trouble keeping them out of your yard, try growing something that cat’s don’t like, such as lavender, citronella, or mint. Cats as well as other animals aren’t particularly fond of strong smells, so they’ll stay away from them when planted in your yards and gardens. Be strategic when planting them or grow them in pots that you can move around where they will be useful.  Keep an eye on the mint plants since they are known to spread.

Keeping cats out of your property shouldn’t be a giant feat. With any of the suggestions listed above, you can find ways to keep them out that are within any budget and humane. Each of these solutions also holds other positive properties: motion sensors can be added security against theft, aromas & growing scented plants can be just as pleasing to a human as it is repulsed by animals, and building a fence can be considered added security for pets and children.